How to Gain Followers on Twitter and Become Popular

Everyone on twitter needs followers in one way or the other. You need followers, I need followers too. Twitter without followers is boring. Who do you get to retweet and like your tweets? But how do you get more followers?
1. Follow others Twitter Rule 101: Follow people and they will follow you back. Want to know who really follow? Let me “show” you a quick way!
All you’ve got to do is go and on of these into Twitter: Followback, Ffback, Follow me, Follow for follow, F4F.
Then you just have to go and follow everyone who followers the biggest follow back networks. You can do say 150 to 300 a day, without getting suspended by Twitter.
Oh, you can choose to unfollow some of them, but that’s a bad habit. 🙁
2. Great Profile – Killer Avatar + Championing Bio
Most people will follow the “cool” people on social media. You have to really really look cool if you want real good followers. A good header photo and a brilliant avatar is fine. Then put something very sweet in the Bio. Most people use very nice logos but you could use your very own photo.
For the header photo, you can get some very beautiful ones off Google Photos. Make sure each section of your profile complements each other and your visitors will be compelled to follow you.
3. Trending Issues
What’s trending on twitter is what gets attention on twitter. Sometimes, you need to follow the crowd to get the crowd to recognize you. Whatever! One rule, however, do it in a better way and get better attention.
Check the trending topic, tweet on it, get some retweets and likes and rack up following in the process. Some people can not “create” so you may as well “steal” tweets and reference the author. Hahaha!
Other Tips: Use photos, vines, engage your audiences and follow me.