112: How to use Ghana’s new Emergency Hotline Number for Police, Fire, and Ambulance services
For all emergencies in Ghana, you will have to call 112. Note that the police emergency numbers 191 and 18555 still work.

Today in Accra, the Government of Ghana distributed 307 ambulances to all the different constituencies in the country.
In line with this distribution, the Government moved a step further to consolidate all the existing emergency numbers into one – the new 112 emergency hotline.
What is an emergency number?
An emergency number is usually a 3 digit easily memorable number that is provided to allow a caller access to local emergency services for assistance.
In Ghana, it has been used to mainly reach the Police, Fire, and Ambulance services.
Every country has its own emergency numbers and it is important to know the current one for Ghana and to be aware when it changes.
What are the old emergency numbers for Ghana?
191, 192 and 193 were dedicated to the Police, Fire, and Ambulance services of Ghana before the current move. Although 112 works for all of them, some of the services still maintain their old numbers.
How to access the new emergency number for Ghana
The emergency number for Ghana is 112. To access Police, Fire, and Ambulance services, just pick up your phone and dial 112.
It is important to keep in mind that you can dial this code even when you don’t have call time on all the telecommunication networks in Ghana.
The new emergency number for Ghana can also work from most phones even when they are locked.
Be sure not to dial the 112 emergency hotline for fun. Remember it has been put in place to save lives.