How to Stream on Twitch with Ps4

Streaming on twitch with ps4 is getting more and more popular everyday, but many streamers struggle to figure out how to do it, or find the best way to get set up for streaming on twitch with ps4.

With that in mind, I have put together a comprehensive guide to help you start streaming on twitch with ps4 and connect with many gamers outside the world and also to make sure your viewers are happy and engaged.

What is twitch stream

Twitch is a live streaming platform for gamers where you can watch or broadcast live gameplay. It’s a great way to connect with other gamers and build a community around your favorite games.

If you’re interested in streaming on Twitch, here’s a quick guide on how to get started.

How to set up a twitch channel

Before you can start streaming on Twitch, you need to set up a channel. If you already have a channel with twitch, then this section is not for you but if you don’t, then let’s go through the registration process step by step.

How to Create a Twitch account

  1. Visit
  2. Click on ‘Sign Up’.
  3. Fill in the information required by the platform.
  4. Accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Click on ‘Sign Up’ and Twitch will email you to the address you added to verify your account.
  6. Look into the email you used to register and verify your account by clicking on the email or by inserting the code you have received.
  7. Congrats! You now have a twitch accout.

Connecting your twitch account to your PS4 console

  1. To do this, log in to your Twitch account and click on the Channel tab. Then, click on the Edit Panels button.
  2. In the Edit Panels window, click on the Add a Panel button.
  3. In the Add a Panel window, select the Info panel type. Give it a name and then fill out the other info as needed.
  4. Once that’s done, click on Save Changes at the bottom of the window.
  5. Next, under Advanced Settings, scroll down until you see Stream Key then copy it and save it somewhere.

Now, let’s connect the Twitch account to our PS4 for broadcast. There are two ways to live stream to Twitch from the PS4. You can use the PS4’s built-in broadcast capabilities, or you can use a capture card. Usage of capture card isn’t that common as most users prefer using the PS4 broadcast.

How to Stream on Twitch with the PS4 broadcast feature

If you’re a PS4 owner and you want to start streaming your gameplay on Twitch, you’re in luck. The PS4 has a built-in feature that lets you broadcast your gameplay to the world. Here’s how to do it:

  1. From the main menu on your PS4, go to Settings > Remote Play Connection Settings.
  2. Make sure the box next to Enable Remote Play is checked, then click OK
  3. Press the Home button on your controller, scroll down to Broadcast Gameplay using PlayStation(R) App or Share Play from here and select Yes or No.
  4. On a computer connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your PS4, download and install the Sony(R) PlayStation(R) App for Windows PC/Mac, iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android devices (smartphones/tablets).
  5. Open the app and sign in with your PSN ID.
  6. Select Live from the app’s main screen, which will show all of your active streams or allow you to create a new one by pressing the blue icon at top right of screen.
  7. Choose Add Live Gameplay.
  8. Select PlayStation as Device.
  9. Choose Twitch.
  10. Type in a name for your broadcast.
  11. Select Game.
  12. Click Start Broadcasting
  13. You should now be live on Twitch!

How to Stream on Twitch with a PS4 and capture card

In order to stream on Twitch with a PS4, you’ll need a capture card. A capture card is a device that captures the video and audio output of your PS4 and converts it into a format that can be streamed online.

There are many different types of capture cards available, but we recommend the Elgato HD60 S. It’s compatible with Windows or Mac computers and will work for any console you want to stream from.

It also has an HDMI cable included in the box so you don’t have to worry about purchasing one separately.

  1. Simply connect the HDMI cable from your PS4 to the back of the Elgato HD60 S and use a USB connection to plug in the other end.
  2. Once connected, open up OBS (a free program) and add a source called Elgato Game Capture.
  3. Next, go over to Settings at the top right corner of OBS and select Basic Streaming Settings.
  4. For streaming resolution: you can use 720p 30fps. For encoding: you use H264
  5. Click Apply then OK and hit Start Recording on the bottom left side of OBS.
  6. You’re now ready to start broadcasting.


If you followed the above steps, congrats! Your Playstation 4 is now fully setup for streaming.

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