A Guide to Choosing the Right Strength of CBD Oil

Since the legalization of many Cannabis products in the United States, many people have flocked to the stores to get their hands on the product. For many it’s just a fun and experimental product to try out, whilst for others it is a means to a healthier and more comfortable life.
Manufacturers are infusing every kind of supplement with CBD, leaving consumers confused as to whether it will actually work. Cannabidiols are infused in cold drinks, chocolates, honey, gummies, and all other kinds of foods. But is the amount of CBD within these products enough to actually serve a medical function?
Studies have shown that CBD products will only start to show real and continuous results when used on a daily basis taking a regular dosage. Read more about it in this article. To encourage those who want to experience relief from pain, anxiety, and other medical conditions, manufacturers have developed CBD oil products in a variety of potencies.
So, if you want to take Cannabidiol oil supplements to improve your overall health, you need to digest the right dosage. Here is a short guide on what you should consider.
Different Potencies and Strengths Available on the Market
From the hundreds of companies that offer pure Cannabidiol oil products, most of them have at least 2-3 different cannabidiol potencies and strengths available.
Industry standard sized bottles will contain between 100-5000 milligrams of CBD. This means that the entire contents of the bottle have 100-5000 milligrams of CBD in it. If you would drink the entire unit in one go (which you definitely shouldn’t), you will have digested the number of milligrams that are written on the bottle.
Low Potency
Beginners can start out with a low-potency serving that has 300 milligrams of CBD. Using a dropper, you can drip one drop on the tongue for absorption in the mornings and afternoons. One drop will contain 1 ml of oil that contains between 5-10 milligrams of CBD.
For those who have been using low potency CBD oil for quite some time, can upgrade to a 600 milligrams bottle. It’s perfect to helps symptoms of anxiety, pain, and depression. Each 1 ml serving will contain 20 milligrams of the compound. Watch this video to learn more about potency levels and ratings – https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-is-the-strongest-cbd-oil-i-can-get.
High Potency
A higher potency bottle will typically contain between 1000-5000 milligrams of cannabidiol. 1 ml drop from a 1000 milligrams bottle will measure up to 33.3 milligrams of CBD. Using this strength is perfect for users with insomnia, restlessness, migraines, chronic back and joint pain, muscle soreness, and serious symptoms from cancer or arthritis.
Which Potency is Right for Me?
There are many factors that have an affect on which potency or strength you should use. Because studies are still in progress, it’s not quite yet sure which doses is best for what kind of medical symptoms. Factors like individual body chemistry, body weight, and the individual function of the endocannabinoid system.
It’s therefore advised that users start out with a low-potency cannabidiol oil to first test the effects it has on their body. From there, one can start introducing higher doses and stronger concentrations. Stay aware of how you are feeling and whether you are experiencing any results. If you aren’t receiving any benefits with lower potencies, then it’s time to level up to a higher strength.
An Alternative to Prescribed Medication
It’s important to understand, that no CBD oil product is actually approved by the FDA. This means that it isn’t a replacement for prescribed medication. The only FDA approved product is Epidiolex, which is a cannabidiol drug that is used to treat symptoms associated with epilepsy.
All CBD oil products should be taken as health supplements and not replacements. It’s merely to treat symptoms associated with serious medical conditions like cancer, arthritis, and epilepsy.
Before choosing your CBD oil bottle, you should consult with either a medical practitioner or a consultant from the online dispensary. Many companies who are in the industry have trained and very passionate customer service staff that will be able to ask you a few health-related questions in order to identify which strength is right for you.