Best Practices for Running Dental Email Campaigns

Dental email marketing is all the rage these days. With competition increasing, marketers do their best to get new clients into their offices. Email opens rates seem to be good enough for some dental practices, but they’re not willing to take it any further than that. They’re satisfied with sending out emails and getting a 5% click-through rate (CTR).
If you feel like your dental email campaign could use improvement, keep on reading! Below are some of the best practices used by top marketers in dental email marketing. Take note and how they can help you improve your campaign today.
Keep it short
When writing your email campaigns, try limiting yourself to just one or two sentences per paragraph at most. If you want to add more information, be sure your client can access it by simply clicking on a link. Doing this allows the user to stay within the email while still getting important information without wasting space in your message.
Send it at a decent hour
When sending dental emails to your clients, make sure that time of day matters too. When most people are at work, sending out an email is not optimal for opening rates. You will compete with work emails and find that people may not even see yours until later in the night. That’s why 9:00 AM-10:30 AM seems to be optimal for dental email marketing campaigns since most people check their email over morning coffee or breakfast before they start their day.
Use clear, attractive subject lines
Many dental practices choose to use their patients’ first names in the email subject line. This is a good start, but it doesn’t do all that much for you. Remember that people often don’t open emails when they see an unidentified sender and subjects irrelevant to them. If your message is important enough for someone to read, why not make it easy on yourself? You can save time by using a specific phrase or even just “dental email” instead and making the individualized aspect come across in the actual email message itself.
Include phone numbers
Don’t be afraid to give out your office phone number every once in a while! Most services are available by phone, so it can’t hurt to include your contact information in the email. If clients are interested enough, they’ll call. If not, you’ve at least given them that option.
Try using videos
Nowadays, people love watching dental videos. You might consider sending out short 3 minute videos to your clientele highlighting topics of interest or personalizing your practice services to better address their needs.
Incorporate social media
Next time you send out an email campaign, make sure it includes a link to your business’s Facebook page or Twitter account! People are becoming more social day by day, and if you don’t incorporate these aspects into your message, you could be missing out on potential clients seeking more info about what you offer.
With these simple dental email marketing best practices in mind, you will be well on your way to expanding your clientele and acquiring new patients. If you’re not already using email campaigns in your dental practice, now’s the time!