Can You See When Someone Screenshots Your BeReal?

There’s been quite a lot of hype over the latest app to hit the market, BeReal, as it allows users to upload all sorts of personal information, ranging from family history and financial documents to entire medical files and dating profiles.
The question on everybody’s mind is if you can see when someone has taken a screenshot of your BeReal profile, and thats what this article will be talking about.
What is BeReal?
BeReal is a service that helps people who want to share their unfiltered thoughts and feelings but do not have an outlet. This site is specifically for younger pepeople over the ages of 13 who are looking for space to express themselves because they might not feel comfortable with friends and family.
It is designed so that users can only post one photo or text at a time. The website also has private chat rooms where users can chat in real time without the fear of being overheard or recorded by anyone else.
Can you be notified when someone screenshot your BeReal post?
BeReal has recently added the ability to know when a screenshot has occurred on your account. Now, anytime someone takes a screenshot of your post, you’ll be able to know right away. You can also find out who screenshotted your BeReal by clicking on the ‘Who took this?’ button below any screen grab and scroll through the list.
Can you prevent a screenshot on BeReal?
Screenshots on BeReal can’t be prevented. There may be a new system incoming that will help do so but for now, anyone who follows your BeReal profile can make a screenshot on your posts.
Screenshots can be prevented but if someone takes a screenshot on your post, you can likely see a report at that moment if you are on BeReal.
Why is BeReal Important
There is a time that you want to voice out alot in you but you have no one or no platform to do so. One thing that makes BeReal Important is giving out such opportunity for users to feel free and express theirselves in the open space without having issues.
How to screenshot on BeReal
There has been several updates across the BeReal platform as to if there is a way screenshots can be prevented. For now, all that can be said is, it can’t be prevented but if closely look into it, you can see who screenshotted on your posts.
If you would want to also screenshot on others, you can just screenshot the way you normally do on your iPhone or Android phone, and the photo will be added to your phone’s camera roll.
BeReal is a platform for all. Go there, express yourself and feel free. But note that, your posts can be screenshotted by your followers and thus, make sure you keep it clean and safe in order not to be in the wrong books of social media.