How to Change Your Car Ownership in Ghana

Changing your car ownership in Ghana is very easy and simple. But, without proper guidance, you might fall victim to people who use fraudulent means to extort money from people in the name of helping them change vehicle ownership.

Due to technological advancement, Ghana has introduced a system where you can now change vehicle ownership on your own without passing through any third party or “goro” boys.

There are many events that lead to a change of vehicle ownership; selling your car, gifting your car or even failing to settle a financial debt which you used your car as collateral.

In Ghana, the main agency that is mandated by law to change vehicle ownership is the Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) and any other agency that issues a vehicle ownership is illegal.

NOTE: From here onwards, the vendor refers to the owner of the car and the buyer refers to the person who is going to become the new owner of the car.

What Are The Requirements for Changing Car Ownership in Ghana?

  • A signed application letter for change of vehicle by the owner of the car
  • The car to be transferred
  • Two (2) recent coloured passport photos of both the vendor and the buyer
  • Valid national ID of both the vendor and the buyer

How to Change Your Car Ownership in Ghana

  1. Present the car transfer letter to the DVLA office
  2. Present the vehicle to the DVLA for inspection
  3. Pay the prescribed fee if your car is approved
  4. Present form C and VRC for processing
  5. Obtain roadworthiness certificate for the vehicle

Now let’s breakdown each process.

Present the car transfer letter to the DVLA office

First of all, you need to download and fill a car ownership transfer document from the official DVLA website or you can also obtain a copy from any of the DVLA offices nationwide.

After you’re done with the filling of the forms, you’re required to submit it to any DVLA office that is closer to you.

When you’re submitting the forms, you are also expected to add the car transfer letter by the owner of the vehicle and the two (2) passport photos of the vendor and the buyer.

Present the vehicle to the DVLA for inspection

When you are submitting your documents to the DVLA office, you are required to send the car along for inspection by the DVLA.

During the inspection, both the vendor and the buyer are supposed to be present.

The documents you submitted will be reviewed and cross-checked with the data they have on their official database to see whether they match or not.

After verification from the authority that the documents you submitted matches the official data in their database, an officer will be sent for custom and garage inspection of your car.

The inspection of the car is to make sure the person transferring the ownership of the car is the true owner of the car or not.

Pay the prescribed fee if your car is approved

The officer will conduct a physical examination of the car that is about to be transferred from the buyer to the vendor.

The checks will include the condition of the car to see whether it’s worthy to be on the road or not.

Therefore you need to make sure that the condition of the car is good enough to be on the road before proceeding.

Once the officer is done with the checking and the car is roadworthy and the details are all good, you will be required to make payments for the processing of the request to continue.

Present form C and VRC for processing

After making the necessary payments, you will need to acquire, complete and sign the forms C (Customs) and the VRC (Vehicle Registration Certificate). You will also affix your passport photo to this document.

Now, after sending the documents for processing, your part will be done and it will now be left with the DVLA to carry on with the rest of the process.

The time before your request will be granted will depend on the current condition of the car and the history of the car. Therefore, in order to speed up the process, your document should be authentic and accurate.

Obtain roadworthiness certificate for the vehicle

Finally, after consideration and reviewing the documents, a new roadworthiness certificate will be obtained irrespective of the status of the present road worthiness validity.


So wrapping up, the process of changing car ownership in Ghana is very easy and transparent and therefore there’s no need for you to pay money to any “goro” boy to do it for you.

Read through the article very well and take note of the processes involved and make sure to share with your friends and loved as it will also help them from being scammed.

Have you ever changed car ownership in Ghana, please share your experience in the comment section below and if there’s anything I left out please feel free to let me know? Thank you.

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