Comparing G-Money With Mobile Money in Ghana; Who Wins?

With the introduction of GCB Bank’s G-Money, the debate has been about which one is better between G-Money and Mobile Money services.
The G-Money is obviously inspired by mobile money services and so it works on the same infrastructure as mobile money however, there are definitely some differences between the two e-wallets.
In this article, we shall endeavour to compare the two wallets to see which one has more advantage over the other.
The Mobile Money service as it stands now only requires you to dial the shortcode on your phone and follow the prompts to register. Meaning, you can register from the comfort of your home.
On the other hand, the G-Money requires that customers go to any GCB Bank branch or G-Money agent with a national ID card and your phone number to register. Which means you have to go to the bank to register for this service at all costs.
For this particular feature, Mobile Money provides more convenience.
Whereas the Mobile Money is backed by the various telecommunication networks in Ghana, the G-Money is backed by the GCB Bank which is a government-owned bank.
As such, it is safe to say that in terms of security of funds and regulations, G-Money has the edge or advantage over the Mobile Money wallets.
Sending Money
In terms of sending money, both Mobile Money wallets and G-money seem to be on the same level. You can send money to any network or bank account via both Mobile Money platforms and G-Money platforms.
You can as well send money to individuals who do not have accounts with either platform via payment vouchers.
Who Can Use The Platform?
For both platforms, anyone who has a registered Simcard can use the platform irrespective of their age, gender, or orientation.
So, for this particular feature , it’s a tie for both e-wallets.
How Many People Can Use The Same Account?
Over here, there is a big gap. The Mobile Money platform allows only one person to use an account. So, if you have an account, only you can have access to and use that account except you give out your PIN CODE to someone else who can then have access to the account.
However, G-Money, on the other hand, has a Group option which allows a user to add between three to two hundred members who share the same account.
With this option, people looking to save money together for a purpose can do that from one point. Of the number of people listed above, one person is the group leader and another is the authorizer.
So, on this particular feature, G-Money has the edge over Mobile Money.
Though both the Mobile Money platform and the G-Money platforms are good initiatives that are shaping the Ghanaian economy towards making it a cashless economy, we believe that based on the comparisons above, the G-Money has won this argument hands down.
This debate may, however, be looked at from different angles, which may as well provide other results. You can share with us what you think about the debate and any opposing views you have regarding our judgement. We would love to read from you.