Five SEO trends to watch in 2018

The practice of SEO is always in flux. What may be regarded as some of the best tactics and approaches fall out of favour within no time. Also, some new methods are always emerging and end up being key trends that site owners use to improve their SEO performance.
For you to keep up, you need to be on the lookout for contemporary trends. Here are some of the most critical 5 SEO trends to watch in 2018. By mastering and responding to them appropriately, you can dramatically improve your Serpbook ranking over the course of time.
The growing importance of mobile
Google says that an average of 60% of all searches that are conducted today are based on mobile phones. This observation means that 6 out of 10 people who carry out organic searches rely on their mobile devices to do the work.
It follows that people will not do searches on their mobile phones and then switch back to their desktop devices. It is natural for people to use their mobile phones to visit websites, read content and do many other things that they intend to do when they are online.
Therefore, for you to be relevant in 2018 and beyond, you must optimize your site and content for mobile viewing. In the recent past, it was optional for you to make your website mobile-friendly. However, going forward, it will be necessary to make the site accessible using a mobile phone more than anything else.
Many search engines now require that all sites be optimized for mobile viewing as well as standard desktop viewing. In fact, mobile display is poised to be regarded as the primary way by which viewers access to content.
The growing importance of voice search
Statistics show that currently, 20% of all searches are done using voice queries. Voice search, unlike typing, is based on the user speaking a few words to get the desired results. While the use of voice search may not necessarily change the entire SEO practice, it has various implications on your SEO ranking that you need to consider.
For example, it is evident that when people use voice search, they construct sentences that reflect their regular conversations. The sentence structures that are used in daily conversations are different from that are used when one is typing.
Therefore, for you to adapt to this change, you must change your approach to keywords and focus on using words and phrases that match the way people speak rather than type.
User Experience will continue to reign
The idea that people find your site friendly and easy to use will continue to be one of the most crucial factors in determining your SEO performance.
The concept of UX incorporates various things such as the speed at which the content on your site loads, the kind of graphics that you use on your site and the overall arrangement of material and pages on the website.
Users tend to like places that have all these things appropriately addressed. If your website takes long to load, then users may not wait for the process.
Also, if the layout of your site does not appeal to visitors, then you may have high bounce rates. Therefore, to maintain or improve your SEO performance, you must address all these issues going forward.
The importance of content
Content will continue to be another crucial factor that determines the performance of websites in 2018. Primarily, sites that have the best content concerning relevance and usefulness tend to perform better than those who carry mediocre content.
You can rely on the quality of your content to market your site as a useful source of information for your visitors. Therefore, for you to do this, it is necessary to invest in the process of creating fresh content for your visitors. You may consider getting a professional content creator to develop the most relevant content for your site.
The use of long-tail keyword
Long-tail keywords differ from generic ones because they are less competitive than the short ones. Everyone competes for short and hot generic keywords in any given niche. For you to break from the competition, you may consider using long-tail keywords.
Interestingly, many SEO practitioners now realize how useful using long-tail keywords can be as an SEO strategy. Apart from the fact that not very many sites compete for any set of long-tail keywords, it is easy to incorporate them into high-quality content.
Therefore, in 2018 and beyond, many site owners and SEO practitioners will embrace the use of long-tail keywords as the basis of the content that they publish on their websites.
In summary, these are the critical SEO trends to watch in 2018. They are essential because they have a direct impact on your SEO performance going forward.
It may be prudent to watch what other leading SEO practitioners do before developing the right approach to use regarding long-tail keywords, optimizing content for mobile, voice search, optimizing sites for mobile viewing and increasing the level of UX.