How To Get More Channels On Multi Tv and Strong Decoder In Ghana

Multi TV is one of Ghana’s free to air television which is widely used by most of the Ghanaian residence. It uses signals to reach decoder from a satellite known as Astra 2B, positioned at 28.2°E.
Multi TV provides the live watching of news, events and videos from all the leading TV channel providers in Ghana.
The channels on Multi TV can be limited and restricted to only a few stations. In that case, you may not be able to enjoy the content on your decoder to the fullest. If you are a Multi TV user, who wishes to have channels on your decoder, then this post will show you the exact thing you need to do so.
But before that, you need to fully installed Multi TV system on your decoder before you can have access to those channels.
The Multi TV satellite dish direction has to be positioned towards the east in other to have a successful installation. If you are a newbie to the multi TV system installation, you can call a specialist within your area to help mount the dish properly.
After mounting the dish, you can then follow the few guides to get channels and more stations on your decoder. Depending on your receiver model, you can follow the below guide to see how to get Multi TV channels in Ghana
How to Get Channels On Strong Box Decoder
- Press MENU.
- Press on the RIGHT volume button.
- Input 0000 as password.
- Select MANUAL SCAN and press OK.
- Press the RED BUTTON on the remote and select transponder ASTRA 3A/3B.
- Press the GREEN BUTTON to add TP list.
- Input frequency 12522 in the space
- Go to symbol rate and input 27000
- Change the polarization to either V or H to make the bars change to green color.
- Press OK to scan. Once the channels are On Exit and enjoy!
The above steps of getting channels is a general step for all strong box. Let’s now see how to get more channels on specific decoders.
SRT 4920/4922/4922A/4922D+
- First press the MENU option
- Now Select INSTALLATION and use 0000 as the password
- Now go to MANUAL SCAN.
- Press the RED BUTTON to choose 28.2 ASTRA 1N/2A/2F.
- Use the CHANNEL DOWN button to select the FREQUENCY.
- Now Press the GREEN Key and enter 12525 as the MULTI TV FREQUENCY.
- Use CHANNEL DOWN button to select the SYMBOL RATE and then enter 30000
- Set Polarization to vertical
- Start scanning for channels
- Press the EXIT button when done
RT 4950/SRT 4950H/4950E/4950M/
- Start by pressing MENU Choose INSTALLATION.
- Select the MANUAL SCAN option before pressing OK.
- Hit the SAT BUTTON and select ASTRA 2(28.2E)
- Press the RED BUTTON and enter 12525
- Use the CHANNEL DOWN button to select POLARIZATION.
- Next, choose the VER option VOLUME RIGHT button
Channels Strongbox (SRT 4330) decoder
- Press MENU on the remote.
- Press OK and input 0000.
- Go to TRANSPONDER and select 28E ASTRA 2A/2B/2F.
- Press the YELLOW button to edit.
- Input 12522 on FREQUENCY.
- Go to SYMBOL RATE and input 27000.
- Press the RED button to scan and then press OK.
- Press OK to save.
- Press EXIT to leave menu when done
Somotex Ash Box Decoder
- Press MENU.
- Press the RED BUTTON to EDIT.
- Input 12522 on the FREQUENCY.
- Press OK.
- Input 27000 on the SYMBOL RATE.
- Select POLARITY and press the RIGHT button to select either Vertical or Horizontal.
- Select SAVE and press OK.
- Press on the BLUE button and OK to scan.
- Press OK on YES.
- Press EXIT when done.
Digital combo decoder Vi/combo decoder T2/S2
- Start by pressing the MENU button.
- Use Volume Up to select INSTALLATION before proceeding to press OK.
- Use Channel UP and DOWN to help you choose SATELLITE SETUP and press OK Select MANUAL SEARCH, which you can access by scrolling using Channel Down Scroll and select FREQUENCY Enter a FREQUENCY NUMBER Proceed to select SYMBOL RATE Then enter a SYMBOL RATE number Change POLARIZATION to (V) Start scanning for channels When the search is complete,
- Press EXIT
Somotex (MTV-1722)
- Choose the MENU option
- Scroll to INSTALLATION and select it
- Scroll to the MANUAL SCAN option and select it
- Under the Manual scan option select FREQUENCY
- Set the FREQUENCY at 12525 Use 30000 as the SYMBOL RATE Set the POLARITY to vertical
- Press the GREEN BUTTON on the remote control to start CHANNEL SEARCH
- Press EXIT or OK to view
Somotex (MTV-9800J)
- Choose the MENU option
- Select INSTALLATION after scrolling
- Go ahead and choose SATELLITE LIST
- The next thing is to select ASTRA 2A, 2B, 2D on the satellite list Save by pressing EXIT
- Choose the TP list Press the GREEN BUTTON to add a new frequency Use 12525 as the Frequency
- Set the SYMBOL RATE at 30000 Change the POLARITY to vertical
- Start scanning for channels by double-clicking on the OK button
- Press the OK button to save your new settings
Quality Box Decoder
- Press MENU.
- Scroll down to DVB-S,
- Click OK. Input 0000 and press OK.
- Click the YELLOW BUTTON on the remote to edit TP.
- Scroll down to SYMBOL RATE and key in 27000
- Scroll to YES and click OK.
- Scroll to SERVICE SEARCH, click OK.
- Scroll to START SCAN and click OK.
Multi TV HD LI/ HD plus
- On your remote, press MENU button
- Select installation using addition volume button and then press OK.
- Use the Channel Down to scroll and select “MANUAL SEARCH” and use OK to choose
- Further, scroll down and select FREQUENCY
- Enter a frequency number Next, move down and select the SYMBOL RATE
- Enter a symbol rate number
- On POLARIZATION, change it to (V) by using Volume up
- Now, start Scanning for channels
- When the scan is complete, go ahead and exit to view saved channels.
- Press the Home button to choose the SYMBOL RATE and enter 30000
- Press OK again to TICK the inputted Multi TV parameters.
- After the 9th step, the SIGNAL QUALITY bar will change to GREEN
- Start scanning
- Information will pop up requesting for NETWORK SEARCH and press OK
- When “SEARCH ONLY FTA CHANNELS?” pops up, press OK
- Lastly, press the EXIT button thrice
How to get more Channels on your Multi TV
- Press MENU on your Multi TV remote control
- Go to channels and Select EDIT SATELLITE
- Click on the YELLOW BUTTON to “Add” a new satellite. A new dialogue box will appear titled “Add Satellite”.
- Fill the “Add Satellite” box using the information below and then select YES:
Satellite: Astra 2B
Longitude: 101 E
Frequency: 12572
Symbol Rate: 2854
Polarization: V (Press the Right button to change the polarization from H to V)
- Astra 2B should now appear in the list of Satellites under the EDIT SATELLITE menu.
- Select Astra 2B and press OK.
- Under EDIT TRANSPONDER, Press the YELLOW BUTTON and enter the following values each at a time:
Frequency Symbol Rate Polarization
12572 2854 V
12599 3250 V
12729 2725 V
- Press EXIT 3times.
- Press Menu > Installation > Install Satellite > Green Button (Scan)
- You should now see additional TV channels and Radio stations.
Alright, fellows, the above are some of the steps you can follow to get channels on your Multi TV in Ghana. These selected satellite decoders are what we use and provide a guide on. You can bookmark this page for future references as we will keep on updating these steps and adding more decoders guide as and when the need arises.
If your decoder type is not listed here, you can comment with the model in the below box and we will have our able tech specialist to come to your aid.