GTBank Internet Banking: How To Register, Get ID, Transfer Money & More

Guarantee Trust Bank is one of the fastest-growing banks in Nigeria.
It has developed a whole lot of marketing strategies over the years to make sure they get more customers into their banking system; it is so obvious that they have attained this and are still tending toward achieving more.
One of the marketing strategies that was adopted by GTBank is the creation of an internet banking system, this platform allows all GTbank customers to make limitless transactions online without going to the bank.
This does not only ease the stress customers go through in banking halls but also helps the bank reduce the population that storms the bank branches on a daily basis.
Benefits of Using GTBank Internet Banking
GTBank internet banking enables all potential customers of the bank make all financial transactions at the comfort of their home and workplace, this includes the transfer of money, paying of bills and subscriptions, paying of school fees and airline tickets, applying for instant loans and many more.
It enables all registered users to even have access to their bank accounts anywhere in the world.
There’s security enablement on the online banking platform, this is known as “Online real-time monitoring facility” this safeguard all the activities done on the platform and also makes it impossible for imposters and fraudsters to have their way.
This platform also gives customers the opportunity to access all banking information and to also get notified whenever there is a new product or an updates in the banking service.
Customers could easily communicate with their banks at any time of the day, without been limited by time and seasons; it makes it possible for customers to even perform financial transactions on weekends and public holidays.
How to Register for GTBank Online Banking
GTBank online banking is designed only for the potential customers of the bank, so if you are yet to be a registered customer of the bank, then you would not be able to use the GTBbank online banking; you could register online and finalize the process in any branch that is around you.
To get started on the online banking platform, you would be required to fill a form known as “GTBankinternet banking request form; this form can be gotten from any of the bank branch or on their official website. The submission of this form can be done by emailing the form back to [email protected] or get it submitted to the customer care in any of the bank branches across the country.
In the request form you’ll be required to provide your GTBank account number and name, personal email address etc. once you’ve correctly filled the form and submitted to the right place, then your registration will be approved and your GTBank internet banking details will be sent to the email address you provided during the registration.
You can also register for GTBank internet banking by dialling *737*6*5# on your phone number that is registered with GTBank, follow the instructions and you’ll get your login details sent to the same mobile number when you have successfully registered.
NB: make sure you change your password within 2 hours of receiving your details from the bank, this is done to endure security sand to prevent problems that might occur in the nearest future.
How To Transfer Money Through GTbank Internet Banking Platform
With GTBank internet service, registered customers can transfer money to others using same banks and also to those using other banks.
- Visit the official website of the bank, which is
- Click on the “login” icon and enter your login details, this includes your username and password.
- After you must have entered your details correctly, you will be automatically redirected to a dashboard, where you could view your account balance, transfer money, pay bills, buy airtimes and more.
- To transfer money, just select the icon that has been designed for that purpose.
- You can use the “own account” link to transfer to your other bank accounts; you will also see the link to transfer money to other GTbank accounts and other banks too.
- You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll be required to enter the details of the bank account you are transferring money to and also the amount you wish to transfer.
- A transaction code will be sent to your phone number or email address to get your transaction approved.
- After you must have entered the one-time-password sent to your mobile, your transaction will be finalized and your account will be debited instantly.
To ensure easy access to the internet banking platform, the management of GTBank has provided a mobile application that has all the essential features that are needed to perform almost all transactions; you could download the mobile application on google play store or on IOS stores for phone users.