How Mobile Money Agents can make more money with mBanqer

The mBanqer application has been designed with mobile money agents in mind to help them work faster and smarter. The application is not engineered to interfere with the income or commission of the agent. mBanqer does not interrupt the work of the mobile money service providers. But the numerous features can make it easy for agents to earn more profits in the long run.
The use of technology to accomplish tasks, in this case, financial transactions, with as little human interaction and effort as possible, has helped many businesses flourish. With mBanqer, the mobile money agent attempts a new way of transacting business that would profit them and their customers.
In this article, there are ways that the mBanqer application can help agents maximise their profit while on the application and some facts about mBanqer they need to know about. Whether you are an agent who has already downloaded the application or are contemplating, take the guide below to know how you can make some more money while on the app.
mBanqer Offers Financial Protection
We all know how important financial protection is to every business. It is one of the strongest foundations for a growing business. Without financial protection of any kind, business owners lose money and the trust of their customers.
mBanqer will not provide an insurance package for your business, but the application can detect when you are about to make a transaction to a fraudulent number. The application has the largest database of fraudsters in the country.
Protection against fraudsters means protecting the agent and their customers’ finances. If an agent loses money every step of the way, there is no way their finances can grow. To maximise revenue, profits need to constantly roll over, and that can only be done when the finances of the mobile money agent are protected. This is what mBanqer does.
The Automation Technology Allows Agents to Work Faster
With mBanqer, the agent does not need to be re-dialling USSD codes to perform transactions. All they have to do is readily enter the transaction details and confirm with their secret pin code.
They no longer need to keep analogue records of transactional details, nor do they switch between three or more phones to complete transactions. Everything has been engineered into one application that works very fast online and offline.
Since speed is essential in conducting businesses like these, mBanqer allows the agent to win because working faster boosts customer loyalty. The customer knows that whenever they make their way to the smart mobile money joint, they will get attended to in no time.
This will cause more people to patronise the smart agent’s service, and more customers mean more commission.
The Agents Get More Insight into Their Business
The agents that get accurate insight into their business can make more money than those who struggle to check their accounts at the end of the day. The graphical analytics feature that mBanqer comes with not only gives the agent a detailed overview of transactions that have been done within the day, weeks or month, but it also shows them how well their business is doing in certain areas.
The agent gets to know which transactions are doing better and which ones are not. With this information, he knows exactly where to invest more to make more profits.
For instance, if the cash-out transaction is doing better in the vicinity, the agent knows to keep more cash at hand so that customers will not be negatively affected. It also helps ease the frequency with which agents can restock their electronic cash and the cash at hand.
The agent can maximise profit if they can easily measure their business performance.
Outsourced Transactions
mBanqer is currently beta testing outsourced transactions, where agents can delegate transactions to mBanqer’s servers, allowing them to earn commissions for transactions they can’t perform themselves.
The feature is still being tried to discover any bugs or issues before it is introduced for general use. This feature will also allow agents to earn more profits at the end of the day.
Do More with Less Effort
Businesses that pay daily commission mean one thing, the agent needs to perform more transactions. Mobile money operators who situate their businesses in advantageous places have the flex of having numerous customer visit their shop every day.
Being able to serve all these people means more commission, and this is where mBanqer comes in. The agent gets to perform transactions both online and offline. The offline version works just as perfectly.
The agents get to work faster, and accuracy is not compromised at all. When switching between phones to complete transactions, it is easy to make mistakes, and then the agent has to start all over again. It can be difficult to do more transactions and build on commission at that pace.
As stated above, the mBanqer application was not developed to interfere with the agents’ finances. mBanqer never sees, accepts or records any sensitive pin code. All information is directly stored locally on the agent’s phone.
They do not deduct from the agents’ commission for using the application, nor do they breach the policy of the service providers. The application was designed only to make the agent’s work easier by providing the essential power tools.
Because of the competitive edge of the application in the mobile money business, it has been endorsed by the Mobile Money Agents Association of Ghana (MMAAG), which means that mBanqer is safe to use.
Mobile Money Agents should download the mbanqer application on the Google play store. Using the application is free and easy. The ultimate goal is always to work smarter and not harder. mBanqer is calling on all agents to choose smart technology today.
For enquiries, send an email to [email protected].
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