How To Download Netflix Videos And Watch Them Offline

So I wrote an article on best movies to watch in Ghana on Netflix while stuck at home and on second thought I have decided to guide you guys on how to download your favourite movies on Netflix and watch them offline.
There are so many reasons that will make one want to download movies on Netflix and watch later.
Maybe you are about to travel and you know you are not going to get a good internet connection there to stream your favourite movies and tv show.
Or you are about to board a plane to a different country and you want to have movies that you can watch whiles on the plane as you are going to have a long journey.
One will also want to download movies on Netflix and watch offline due to his or her internet bundle which is about to finish or get wiped off.
Netflix has made it possible for its users to be able to download movies and watch offline on its android, iOS and Windows apps.
Here Is A Step By Step Guide On How To Download Netflix Movies And Watch Them Offline On Netflix
- The first thing you need to do is to update your app.
- Choose your prefered video quality, Netflix offers two download qualities which are Standard and High. Downloading movies in standard mode takes lesser space whiles High mode uses more space and it takes much time as it downloads in HD. To choose your prefered download mode head over to App Settings, under download click on video quality and select your preferred quality.
- To download a movie go to the Available For Downloads section to find all the movies that you can download and watch offline.
- Now click on your favourite movie that you want to download and under the watching screen click on the arrow icon to start downloading the movie for offline viewing. If you are using the android app, the app will ask you to choose the destination for the video you are about to download for offline viewing, you can insert a micro SD card and download the movies to that storage.
- When you finish downloading, your downloaded videos will appear in the ”My Downloads” section which can be found under the Home Section.
Kindly take note that not all videos are available for download on Netflix.
So how do you get to download movies that are not available for download?
Well, there are some methods you can work around to get all these movies you want, to do this you have to begin watching the movie you would like to watch offline and do a screen recording.
On the phone, you can use various screen recording apps like Creen recorder, HD screen recorder, AZ screen recorder and many more
And on your computer, you can use tools like Camtasia, Bandicam, Icecream screen recorder and many more (some free and paid).
To download videos for offline viewing, you need to first update your Netflix app, choose the download quality and then head to the movies that are available for download, select your favourite and then when watching click on the arrow button to start downloading for offline viewing.