How to find someone on Facebook using their photo 

Facebook is a social media platform where you connect with your friends all over the world. You can also make new friends from Facebook across the world.

On Facebook, you can see and interact with friends you’ve not seen physically in a long time. Suppose there’s a friend you’ve not heard from in a while and a Facebook profile you don’t remember, but you want to find that person. There can be just two ways to find that person.

It’s either you ask other friends to help you out, or you use the person’s picture to find them on Facebook if only you have their picture. Maybe this pic was taken some years back when you were still in contact with him. But if you ask mutual friends around and none of them knows that particular person’s Facebook, then you’d have to search for the profile using their picture on Facebook.

Currently, there are two known methods to find a person’s Facebook profile using their picture. You can find a person’s profile using the “Google image search,” or sometimes the picture was already downloaded from Facebook some time ago, and every Facebook picture has a numerical ID assigned to it when it’s posted on the media.

Any image downloaded from Facebook will have that number, so if you know this numerical ID, you can use it to find the source of the picture on Facebook.

Maybe you’ve seen a really pretty girl’s picture on your friend’s phone, and the gallery folder was “Facebook” you can use this method to find the person’s profile very easily. 

This is a question that has been asked countless times, so brace yourself as I discuss ways you can find a person’s Facebook profile using their picture in this article. 

With this method, google can scan any image and show you the profile using the image. It can also show you profiles of people using your image without your permission.

It’s an easy three method step. With this method, you can use a Facebook picture you have downloaded on your device. It’s a simple drag and search method.

This method can also only be used with a google chrome browser or a Mozilla Firefox browser. Below are steps to follow to search for an image using the “google search image” method. 

  1. Open the google images website.
  2. Locate the picture you want to use on your device.
  3. Tap on the picture and drag it to the google images search page. You’ll see a change in the search box as you drop the image in it.
  4. Google will begin the search after you drop the picture.
  5. Your results of profile or profiles using that image and the websites these profiles are on will appear, and you’ll select. You might see different profiles because, in some cases, some people’s pictures are used without their permission.

Search With A URL

You can use the URL method to find a profile using an image on Facebook.

With this method, you’ll be taking the image from Facebook directly to the google image search page. You can copy its URL and paste it in the google image search box.

This method is called the “Google reverse image search.”

  1. Open your Facebook app and locate the picture you want to search.
  2. Copy the URL of the image on Facebook
  3. Go to the Google image search page.
  4. Tap on the search by image button
  5. Tap paste image URL
  6. Tap on search by image.
  7. Your results will be displayed by google with the sites and profiles the picture is from.

Using the “Tineye” method. 

There’s also another method we can use, which is the “TinEye” method. With the TinEye method, it’s almost like the “google reverse image search.”

You can copy the URL of the picture and paste it in the TinEye search box, and the list of sites and profiles using that picture will be displayed for you, or upload the picture from your gallery, and search results will be displayed for you. 

  1. First, launch the “TinEye” website.
  2. Upload an image or paste the URL of the image in the search box
  3. Tap enter
  4. You’ll be shown the user of that photo, showing the complete list of the websites using that pic. You’ll be provided links to these websites and sources of the image, which is Facebook. 

These are among the best and trusted methods to find a Facebook profile using the person’s image. This methods also give you a chance to find people using your pictures on Facebook or any site without your permission. If these methods help you find a person’s profile on Facebook, don’t forget to share this article with your friends. 

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