How to quit watching porn by using helpful online resources

While many health and psychiatric professionals do not consider porn addiction to an “addiction” in the clinical sense of the word, the signs and symptoms are often strikingly similar to those of alcohol or drug addiction. Because one gets so caught up in the act and can’t seem to let go of it no matter how hard they try.

Porn addiction always moves with masturbation. About 80% of people who watch porn masturbate and feel very bad about themselves and want to quit but find it very difficult to quit. Let’s talk about possible ways experts have come up with to quit porn using the internet.

Filter some websites on your phones and other devices

You’re going to need to gain some self-control in the face of sexualized images everywhere, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself some reprieve when you can.

You can make the settings on your phone so that when you feel like watching porn, some sites specific sites won’t open for you to access those sites. If you want to be successful in this quest, you need to do this on every device you use — phone, tablet, laptop, work computer — and don’t forget to put some safety controls on your TV, as well.

These will help you avoid gateways to binge sessions and find some space to focus on more important things, like reading books or engaging yourself in a skill like playing your guitar or any other thing.

You can also exercise after you cannot access the sites on your device because such things can make you feel uncomfortable. Playing football with friends also helps a lot because once you’re alone, you’re a liability to yourself.

Filter all sexual content on your social media accounts

Another medium where pornography is also easily accessed is social media. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have a large inflow of pornographic content daily.

It can be recorded that an average of 4000 pornographic content is uploaded daily on these mediums. However, one can argue that you’re not forced to view such content as everyone has their reason for being on that platform. You might have business purposes for being on that platform, so you can filter them in your settings to avoid coming across such content. For instance, Twitter has features that can enable you to filter such content and enjoy the platform without viewing a single pornographic content.

Playing games online

It is said that the devil finds work for the idle mind and has proven to be true and many ways. This is because when you find yourself sitting down with nothing doing, that’s where you start getting ideas of what watching porn.

But when you keep yourself, even if not by studying or doing something lucrative, but rather by playing video games online, you can prevent yourself from watching porn.

When you occupy yourself with the video game, you’ll be so deep into the game, and so thoughts of pornography will barely cross your mind. Pornography has a way of having a firm grip on you, and once it does, it’s very difficult to get your mind off it.

So during these video game sessions, try to invite friends over to be with you and play with you because when you’re playing the game and thoughts of pornography crosses your mind, you may be tempted to pause the game and watch porn and end up entirely forgetting about the game.

Find something lucrative to do online

Will you rather be busy making money or be busy watching pornography? When I say lucrative, I mean doing an activity online which will earn you money.

Many online lucrative things like content creation and content writing can keep you busy and make you money. Such innovations can go a long way to take your mind off pornography.

It can eventually make you entirely forget all about pornography and be a better person mentally. Pornography messes with a person’s mind slow your productivity down. Some people who have a very chronic attitude toward watching porn see themselves as losers.


Pornography has become a social menace that is also too accessible. But as the saying goes, life is what you make it. So no matter the situation you find yourself you can utilize tools at your disposal to your advantage. Such as using your smartphone devices to avoid pornography through digital means. It’s not going to be easy as you’ll be sanctioning yourself from the acts. Very few people succeed in that.

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