How to See Who Has Shared Your Post on Facebook

In the world of social media, your online reputation can make or break you in your business and personal life alike. This makes it important to know how to see who has shared your facebook post and how to get others to share your content.

In this article we will talk about some tips that will give you more insight into what other people think of you, as well as help you to get others to share your content with their own friends and family on facebook.

About facebook

Facebook is the world’s most popular social network. What started as a way for college students to connect with each other has grown into an international phenomenon, with more than 1.6 billion monthly active users.

Facebook post sharing

Incase you didn’t know, you can actually see who has shared your post on Facebook. All you need to do is go into the Activity Log and search for your post. It will show up there with the people that have shared it. Lets break it down for you.

How to see who has shared your post on facebook

The steps below will guide you to see who has shared your post on Facebook.

Step 1 – Login to your personal facebook account

Open Facebook app or visit Enter your username and password and then click on login to be able to have access to your facebook page.

Step 2 – Click on the ‘Friends’ button

Now you are logged into your Facebook account. At the top right corner, locate the friends button and click on it.

Step 3 – Click on ‘Activity Log’

Click on Activity log in the next pop up menu to show you the activities you have undertaken with your Facebook account so far.

Step 4 – Click on ‘Posts’

Inside the Activity Log shows your post you’ve shared and want to see who have sharedliked or commented on it.

Step 5 – Click on ‘View Sharers’

Now, click on view sharers to see users who have viewed and shared your post. Its now time to show appreciation in order to motivate them to share more of your work. A thank you for sharing my post in their DM will be much worthy.

Step 6 – Check to see if the amount of people sharing is what you expected

Now, you may have a specific person you want to check out whether he/she has shared your post or not. Its time to do so by glancing through the sharers.

Is it necessary for someone to share my facebook post?

Sharing your post helps to keep it more active on news feed. Every seconds on Facebook, people make a post and the more there is a new post, the more yours drops so its important if people shares your post. It helps it to appear in most places making it more active.


Now that you know how to see who has shared your post, it’s time for you to get out there and start reaching people with your message. The sooner you share it, the more chances you’ll have of someone seeing it.

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