Is it possible to upgrade WASSCE results?

The West African Senior School Certificate Examination, or WASSCE, is administered annually by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) to students in their final year of high school. It determines how well they performed academically over the course of their four years of secondary education, and what level of university they will be eligible to attend.
After WAEC released the results of the exams, most students who are not able to meet their goals in terms of grades began to look for all sort of ways to improve their grades. We have heard various stories about results upgrading, results changing and more by WAEC workers and so-called people with connections at the WAEC office.
But the question is, is those circulated WASSCE results upgrade real? If it is not real, then how can you improve your WASSCE results? Read along if you want to know the answers for these questions.
What is the WASSCE
The West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a standardized exam administered by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) to students in participating West African countries. The WASSCE is designed to assess academic achievement and promote learning across a range of topics, such as mathematics, English language, physics, chemistry, economics, etc.
The exam is typically taken by students who are completing their secondary education, usually in their 4th year. It is widely recognized as a qualifying exam for further educational and professional opportunities in the region.
What do the grades mean?
When it comes to WASSCE (West African Secondary School Certificate Examination) results, there are several different grades that can be awarded to signify different levels of performance. A grade of A1 signifies an exceptional performance, while a grade of D7 downwards indicates a below-average performance.
Is it possible to upgrade my WASSCE results?
It is not possible to upgrade WASSCE results. Once the exam has been taken and marked, the results cannot be changed. Therefore, it is important for students to prepare adequately for the WASSCE so they can get the best possible score they can achieve.
However, there are a few circumstances in which a student can apply for a review or appeal of their WASSCE results. This is usually done in cases where a student believes that the results were calculated incorrectly or if the student feels they were unfairly treated during the exam period. If a review is successful, the student’s grade could potentially be improved.
It is important to note that the review process is not always successful and that WASSCE results are not easily upgradeable. That said, if you believe your results do not accurately reflect your level of performance, you may want to consider applying for a review with the assistance of your institution you wrote the exams at.
How to improve your WASSCE results
Results upgrade is not real. Desist from any results upgrade adverts on social media before you get yourself ripped. You can’t upgrade but you can improve. If you want to improve your WASSCE results, you can choose any of the methods below;
Write NovDec
The most popular method of changing WASSCE results used by most people is by rewriting the failed papers again through NOVDEC. The November, December exams by WAEC help students who failed to re-register and work on bettering their grades.
Applying to WAEC for a remark
In some cases, it may just be an issue of miscalculation. If you believe your results do not accurately reflect your level of performance, you may want to consider applying for a review with the assistance of the institution you wrote the exams at.
Going back to Secondary School
It is possible to go back to school again to re-prepare yourself and sit for the exams. Most private secondary schools openly accept students who failed in their WASSCE exams and wants a second chance. They accept you and prepare you for your next hurdle and make sure you pass them well. But, if you don’t study hard, note that, you will fail again so its best you study hard this time around.
WAEC grading system analysis
WAEC uses figures 1 to 9 to represent grades. 1 represents A1 (Excellent) which means a candidate will have to score at least 75 out of 100 to fall in this grade. A score of 70 to 74 is B2, which is interpreted as, “very good” while a score that falls between 65 to 69 is B3 (Good). A score between 50 to 64 falls under credit represented by C4, C5, and C6. A score of 49 downwards is the red zone which leads you to fail and that represents D7, E8 and F9.
WASSCE results upgrade is fake. Don’t fall victim. WAEC will never advertise on social media for any results upgrade. The only way for you when you fail your WASSCE exams is to sit, learn and rewrite the exams through the methods explained above.