How To Monitor Your Heart Rate With An Apple Watch

Among all the exciting and amazing things, the Apple Watch does, you can monitor your heart rate. In this article, I will show you how to monitor your heart rate with an Apple Watch.

The heart is the most organ in the body. According to scientists and from personal experiences, we all know that the heart is the only organ in the human body that stops ONLY when you die.

As a result, regular monitoring of your heart and heart rate can go a long way to help your health. Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) struck, everyone taught they could never care more about their health.

Just some few months after the coronavirus became a global pandemic, almost everyone in the world is now concerned about their health; especially, their circulatory system (the heart, lungs, etc).

With the help of your smart Apple Watch, you can monitor your heart rate to prevent any unforeseen situations. Enough of the plenty talk, let’s jump right into it.

How To Monitor Your Heart Rate With An Apple Watch

The Apple Watch heart rate monitor can display your current, sleeping (resting) and walking heart rates. Also, you can instruct the Watch to notify you of any rise in your heart rate during a period of inactivity.

To get started:

  1. First of all, update your Apple Watch to the latest watchOS version.
  2. To confirm this, you can open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, and go to General and then Software Update. This option will show you to either install the latest version or inform you that you have the latest watchOS version.
  3. On your Apple Watch, open the Heart Rate app.
  4. Tap on Next and then another message will tell you how the Heart app can notify you when your heart rate rises over 120bpm (beats per minute).
  5. After you agree to this, tap Turn On. From then, the Apple Watch will alert you whenever your heart beats more than the normal 120 beats.
  6. Also, the Watch will alert you if there’s an increase in your heart rate after 10 minutes of being inactive.
  7. To get more details about the heart rates, swipe up the screen to see your resting heart rate for the day. Also, you can swipe up once again to see your average walking heart rate for the day.
  8. Finally, to see all the heart rates together (current, resting, and walking) at the same time, tap the Current link at the top of the screen. All these three heart rates will be displayed together.


The heart as I stated earlier, is the most important organ of the human body. Therefore, if you have the Apple Watch, I entreat you to follow these simple steps listed above and get your heart rate monitored.

If you don’t have or cannot afford the Apple Watch, make sure to exercise daily and check your heart rates at least once every week to know where you stand.

NOTE: Heart attacks do not affect only the old or the young. Everyone is at risk of having a cardiac arrest (heart attack). So take good care of your health.

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