No Turbonet, No Problem; Top Alternatives to MTN Turbonet

There are a number of reasons why you might need to find an alternative to MTN turbonet. Perhaps the service or your provider simply isn’t good enough, or you’ve found another product that does what you need better and cheaper.
Whatever the reason, there are plenty of great options out there for finding the same services that the MTN turbonet offers, whether it been connection speed or security features.
About MTN turbonet
MTN Turbonet is a high speed Internet router, capable of providing 4G Internet speeds to devices linked to it. The router can deliver Internet connection to 32 users connected to it. With the MTN turbonet, you are assured of a fast and reliable internet connectivity.
Where to buy MTN Turbonet
MTN turbonet is currently out of stock and specific date has not yet been released MTN Ghana as to when new ones will be available. However, if you desperately need one, you will have to buy it from someone who already has it and is willing to sell it to you.
Why alternatives to MTN turbonet can be a good choice for you right now
The sudden and extreme price increase of the MTN Turbonet has left many people wondering what to do. This will give you a headache as to whether you should go for an MTN turbonet or not. Also, the current poor services to the turbonet from the MTN customer care is another thing to worry about.
Top alternatives to MTN Turbonet
MTN turbonet might be the people’s choice due to their longevity and fast internet connection but that doesn’t mean it is the only best option to go for. There are still some great options out there for those who want something that is more affordable or who can’t get an LTE signal in their area.
Universal Router with SIM Card
A universal router with sim card can be a great alternative for those who don’t have access to MTN turbonet. The device has a SIM card slot and can provide Wi-Fi connectivity for up to 8 devices simultaneously.
It mostly comes with an app on the mobile device which allows you to control this router from anywhere in the world as long as you have network connectivity.
Portable Mifi such as Surfline & Busy 4G
A portable Mifi is a new breed of wireless internet that can be used virtually anywhere. Surfline and Busy 4G are two of the most popular providers on the market.
These types of Mifi’s use 3G networks and have a battery life of up to 8 hours. Their cost are moderate. The small, compact size makes them perfect for taking with you when traveling or even if you just need internet in one room or area of your home.
MTN & Vodafone Pocket Mifi
MTN and Vodafone are two of the most popular telecommunications companies in Ghana. They both offer a product called Pocket Mifi which allows customers to access the internet via their mobile phone and PC.
Just like the surfline, the pocket WiFi are also small, compact in size and that makes them perfect for taking with you when traveling or even if you just need internet in one room or area of your home.
Home or Office Internet like Teledata, Digital Arena & Ozone Broadband
For your home or office use, Teledata, Daigital Arena and Ozone Broadband can be the best alternative to MTN turbonet.
- Teledata offers internet plans with high speeds and low prices.
- Digital Arena is another company that offers high-speed internet for businesses for your homes and offices with affordable data plans.
- Ozone Broadband also offers affordable and fast internet services for your businesses and they come with data plans that are affordable to purchase.
Hotspot from Spare Phone
Hotspot from spare phones can also be an affordable option for you. Especially when you are someone who doest really depend on big internet data plans for your businesses. With as little data plan you subscribe to,you can connect to your spare phone hotspot and have a spree.
MTN might be the most prominent wireless carrier in the country, but they are not the only game in town. There are many alternative providers similar to what the turbonet does and sometimes even better. If you need a cellphone or internet connection and can’t get it from your current provider, then any of the above will do just fine.