Snapchat Slang: Meanings of wcw, smh, asl, & more

One of the most widely used social media networks nowadays is Snapchat. It is an application that offers users the ability to communicate with one another using images or snaps.
With the aid of this social media platform, many individuals also get to speak with new people. Many people are curious about the fundamental words used on Snapchat. We’ve put together thousands of Snapchat slang and their definitions and meaning today.
About snapchat slangs
Snapchat is an instant-messaging app that lets users send and receive photos, texts and videos (known as Snaps) for up to 10 seconds before they disappear.
Snapchat users have created their own unique language, known as Snapchat Slangs, for easier communication and also include emoticons that convey how someone is feeling at any given time.
We take a look at some of these slangs and emoticons that you might want to keep in mind when using Snapchat or conversing with other Snapchat users.
Snapchat slangs and their meaning
Snapchat Slangs | Meaning of Snapchat Slangs |
Atm | At the moment |
Amos / Amosc | Add men on snap /Add me on Snapchat |
Asl | Age sex location |
Asap | As soon as possible |
Alr | Alright |
Alt | Alternatives |
Awl | Always with love |
Brb | Be Right Back |
Bml | Bless my life |
BMS | Break my scale |
BTS | Be there soon |
CBA | Can’t Be Arsed |
CBF | Can’t Be F**k |
CC | Carbon copy / Credit Card |
CYA | Cover your A** |
DM | Direct Message |
DTB | Don’t Text Back |
DW | Don’t Worry |
DWU | Don’t wait up |
FFF | Follow for follow |
FGF | Formal Girl Friend |
FPF | Favorite Person friend |
FR / FRFR | For real /For real for real |
FT / FTM | Face Time / FaceTime Me |
FWB | Friends with benefits |
GM | Good Morning |
GN / GNS /GNS | Good Night /Good night streak /Good night/ Snapshot |
HBU | How About You |
HG | Holy Grail |
HKD | Hate Kill Destroy |
Hon | Honey |
Hsub | Husband |
HTL | Hit the line |
HRU | How are you |
IBF | Internet Best Friend |
IDK | I don’t know |
IDC | I don’t care |
IDM | I don’t MInd |
ILYSM | I love you soo much |
IML | In my life |
LGHT | Let’s Get High Tonight |
LK | Low Key |
LLS | Laughing like shi*t |
LMAO | Laughing my A** out |
LML | Laughing Mud Loud |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
LOML | Love of my life |
SMH | Shaking My Head |
WCW | Woman Crush Wednesday |
How important are Snapchat slangs?
Snap chat slangs makes chatting simple and easier. It also makes non snap users not to decode what Snapchat users are communicating about, making it interesting and unique among the other social platforms.
With slangs in snapchat, communications become easier. As a snapchat lover, its necessary to know your popular slangs in order not to be behind the new trends.