How To Spot A Fake Review On Amazon

Do you know how to spot a fake review on Amazon? I guess not but, don’t worry because I am going to guide you on how you can spot a fake review on Amazon and any other e-commerce website in the world.
One of the most frustrating things that could ever happen to you is buying a fake product online. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost everyone has migrated to online shopping.
Although Amazon is one of the most popular e-commerce shops online, fake shop owners find their way of selling their fake products on the platform. What these fake shop owners do is that they take original photos from other shops and post them on their store. After that, they will then ask their partners to review their products and say good things about the product to attract buyers.
These fake reviews are sometimes targeted at original and authentic shops on the platform. With this, what they do is that they write bad reviews about the product to drive away customers and then direct them to their store.
When this happens, the store which sells the original products will lose customers and the fake store will rather earn customers. It’s as a result of this that I have decided to show you how you can spot a fake review on Amazon.
What Is The Difference Between a Fake Review And a Paid Review?
Before we proceed, you need to know the difference between a fake review and a paid review. A fake review is the one that is done without actually purchasing the product that is being sold. With the paid review, the seller contacts a person to use the product for free and then give their review about the product.
How To Spot A Fake Review On Amazon By Yourself
To spot a fake review on Amazon by yourself, you need read through the points listed below and if most of the points hear checks out, you might be looking at a fake review:
To make it a little easy for you to identify a fake review, Amazon has a Verified Purchase label that shows that the person who reviewed the product purchased the product before doing the review.
Secondly, check whether the stars given are moderate with just a few words. Mostly, legitimate reviewers give 3 or 4 stars and then write a few words explaining why they are pleased in the product or why they are not pleased. Serious people don’t have time to write a 100-words review.
Also, check reviews about the same product on different e-commerce websites. For example, if you are buying a laptop with the name Mfidie Book Pro, make sure to check other websites and read the reviews others are saying about the same Mfidie Book Pro.
Although the points listed above gives you a comprehensive guide on how to spot a fake review on Amazon, the following are some of the red flags:
- A low number of reviews compared to similar products on the platform.
- All the reviews given under the product are recent (unless the product was released recently).
- All the reviews are paid. This is when the reviewer states that they received a free product in exchange for the review.
How To Spot A Fake Review On Amazon Using Third-Party Tools
Several third-party tools can be used to spot a fake review on Amazon. Some of these are:
- FakeSpot
- ReviewMeta
- The Review Index, etc.
These third-party tools analyze the authenticity of the review. The algorithms look at the reviews and reviewers, analyze language, previous reviews, and purchase history to determine the trustworthiness of the review.
To check the review, copy the URL (link) of the page and paste it into the third-party site and it will investigate and give you the score. The tool will then explain the score to you to know whether the review is fake or not.
DISCLAIMER: The points listed here doesn’t automatically guarantee that the review you saw was fake.
Now that you have an idea of how to spot a fake review on Amazon, make sure to make use of it whenever you are buying a product on Amazon.