3 Things Not To Do If You Want To Get Big Loans On MTN Mobile Money

Do you want to get big loans on MTN Mobile Money? Have you never qualified for a big loan on MTN before? Are you wondering what you are doing wrong for MTN to give just some small loan?

If you have any of these questions, then you are in the right place and at the right time. Because after reading this article, you should be getting big loans on your MTN Mobile Money account in just a few weeks.

MTN Mobile Money is one of the most (if not the most) used mobile money platform in Ghana. Also, they were the first-ever mobile money platform in Ghana to introduce loans in Ghana.

Getting a loan on MTN Mobile Money is not that difficult but qualifying for a big loan is one of the things that most mobile money users don’t know what to and what not to do.

3 Things Not To Do If You Want To Get Big Loans On MTN Mobile Money

If you are not getting a big loan on MTN then it must you are doing some things wrongs. Below are three (3) of such things you must not do if you want to get big loans on MTN Mobile Money.

Paying Your Loan After The Deadline

One of the mistakes most people make is that they don’t pay their loans on time. This usually happens when you don’t have enough money in your wallet on the deadline.

Whether it is intentional or not, MTN checks whether you are committed to your promise by paying your loan on time. Therefore, if you are not able to pay your loan on time, it is assumed that you won’t be able to pay big loans in the future.

As a result, you will always be given small loans that they think you will be able to pay on time. So, if you want to qualify for big loans on MTN Mobile Money, you always have to pay your loan at least a day before the deadline.

Not Making Transactions on Your Account

Secondly, as soon as you take a loan from MTN, you need to make transactions throughout the period of your loan. For example, if you take a loan on 1st January 2021, you must continue to make transactions in your account from the 1st, you took the loan through to the 30th you will pay your loan.

If you don’t have any transaction to perform, just buy airtime on your account to show that you are still active on the mobile money platform. Once you do this, MTN will recognize your seriousness and will always give you big loans.

Having Multiple MTN SIM Cards Registered To Your Name

Another thing you should never do if you want to get big loans on MTN Mobile Money is buying multiple MTN SIM cards all registered to your name. You can have more than one MTN SIM but it shouldn’t be more than three (3).

Also, you need to make sure that you are not owing on any of the two (2) other SIMs you have. If you are owing, then you will never be able to qualify for a big loan.

This is because MTN Ghana assumes that you only take the loan and afterward you throw the SIM away. Therefore, if you have more than one SIM card, check whether you are owing MTN or not.

If you are, then you need to pay the loan in full before you can qualify for a big loan on the other SIMs.


In this article, I have recommended some of the things you don’t have to do it if you want to get big loans on MTN Mobile Money.

Although this tip given in this article is not 100%, once you practice them, you stand a high chance of qualifying for big loans on your MTN Mobile Money account.

As time goes on, we will be updating you on some of the best tips to secure big loans on MTN MoMo. Also, you can share your suggestions with us in the comments section below.

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