How to use Twitter’s 140 Characters Rule to the fullest

Everyone seems to be making updates and changes nowadays and Twitter has just made a big change to the way tweets work. This is important!
Twitter is limiting what types of content will use up its 140-character limit.

Now, @names in replies, media attachments (like photos, GIFs, videos) and quoted Tweets will no longer be counted against the valuable 140 characters that make up a tweet. This means that people can interact more and attach more without having to give up some bits of their text.

But how can you make use of these new changes? Well, here are a few tips.
Say More when you reply a tweet
With this new update, @names will no longer count against the 140 characters. Now, whenever you start a tweet in reply to another user, you still have room to say everything you wanted to in your tweet, without having to consider the length of their Twitter handle.
You could even add Media files at the end of the tweet and it would still not count into the 140 characters. Say more, express yourself better.
More Visuals, Engage your followers.
A study by Twitter found that photos average a 35% boost in Retweets and videos get a 28% boost.

Although Visuals present numerous benefits, they had the tendency to reduce the length of what has to be said. That is in the past now! Photos, Videos and GIFS added at the end of tweets will not add up to the 140 Characters. Go on and add that meme.

Do you love twitter? What do these updates mean to you? Tweet at me @Pidho1, let’s get the convo going.