Why You Should Not Buy the MTN Turbonet Right Now

The MTN Turbonet, sold by MTN Ghana, started to get popular in the last few months as it promised consumers an affordable way to surf the internet and stay connected with their friends, family and colleagues.
But experts warn that you should not buy the device right now if you want to save your money and keep you safe on the internet. There are several reasons why this is true, which are outlined below.
About MTN Turbonet
Mtn Turbonet is a device that comes with a data service that offers users a cheap data plan for a period. For this a given price, MTN Turbonet users enjoy relatively fast internet on a device (router) that supports 4G.
What makes MTN Turbonet the peoples choice?
It offers competitively priced data bundles and offers an affordable way to stay connected with friends and family both locally and abroad. The MTN Turbonet is super-fast when it comes to browsing through photos, videos, or even just surfing the web.
Where to purchase MTN Turbonet
As at now, MTN official stores has not yet announced new turbonets which means they are out of stock. However, you can get a home used MTN turbonet from online shops such as jiji, tonaton, locanto and others.
Also, you may pounced on someone personally selling his own either in WhatsApp groups, Facebook, twitter or anywhere possible. But, make sure to purchase original ones that comes with it own sim card.
How to know if MTN turbonet is not fake
When buying used MTN turbonet, make sure it comes with its sim card. That is the only way you can enjoy the turbonet bundles. If not you will have to purchase a normal mtn bundle to access the turbonet.
Buy a Turbonet with a bundle shortcode of *5057# and not *138#. If the seller tells you to bundle on *138# shortcode, that is not a Turbonet you are buying.
Why you should not buy the MTN turbonet right now
1. The customer service experience is sometimes not the best
Not only is customer service unreliable, but due to poor customer experience, it seems like they just want people to stop using their service. After going through many customer service representatives, I finally found a person who was knowledgeable and helpful enough to answer my questions and deal with my issues. They were able to remedy some of the previous problems I had encountered, however at this point I am simply exhausted.
Calling MTN customer service is sometimes hectic. You put a call through the whole day and you will not be attended to which may have to force you to go to their physical store yourself making you to waste your money on transportation.
If you are lucky and your call gets answered, you may be unluckily get someone who does not even know how to answer or solve your problems for you.
Imagine needing Internet for something important and then your Internet gets disrupted but no customer agent to instantly solve your problem.
2. There are other alternatives that offers less cost and fast Internet connection
There is competition everywhere good and there is no exception when it comes to Internet data. Other networks also has the same services with lower data bundle offers compared to that of MTN which may give you headache on which one to go for.
3. Cost of internet packages are increasingly getting expensive
MTN has increased their internet packages by 30% which means that customers are paying more for less. The company is also looking to charge out of country subscribers an additional 20% which would mean that users would pay 60% more for the same service.
4. The services are now limited to large scale users
The turbonet when it first came into existence was sold to anyone. But currently, due to high demands, if you are to go for the turbonet, you will be asked several questions and if you are not someone who has a large internet usage, you will be denied purchase.
5. Delay in restock making used ones overpriced and causing fraudulent activities
When the MTN turbonets are out of stock, restocking becomes another issue which takes alot of time. This makes home used users over price theirs and if care is not taken, buyers ends up buying fake ones and losing their precious money.
6. MTN Turbonet works with only one network provider
The MTN turbonet works with only MTN sim which makes users to be forced to always buy MTN data which makes it not interesting to use. If it should come as a universal turbonet, it would have been great to switch to other network sim whenever the MTN network is slow.
The MTN turbonets are currently out of stock but I’m sure it will become available soon. In the meantime, I think that there are other alternatives on the market that will suit your needs just as well if not better.