Zidisha Online Loan: How To Get Up To GHS 10,000 Through Mobile Money

Businesses and individuals are compelled at one point or the other to go in for loans to either solve emergencies or see to some necessities.
In fact, the demand for loans has actually increased over time, therefore leading to an increase in financial institutions across the globe.
The story has mot been any different in Ghana. Currently, there are hundreds of small and large companies giving out loans here and there.
However, most of these loan companies which give out loans through online systems often give amounts from GHS 1,000 and below.
In this article, we shall discuss an online loan company which offers you up to 10,000 Ghana Cedis via your mobile money wallet. Interesting right?
About Zidisha Online Loan
Zidisha is the peer to peer version of loan companies available on the internet today.
Meaning, this company allows individuals to raise money on its online platform from other individuals across the globe who may be interested in funding projects listed on the site by borrowers.
With Zidisha, you are offered up to GHS 10,000 based on how much you need for your project, how convincing your project is, how well and early you have paid your previous loans and how many people are interested in your project.
Interestingly, there is nothing like interest when you borrow from Zidisha online loans.
You only have to pay a 10% service fee which is used to process your loan and take care of transaction fees as the amount is mostly paid via e-wallets.
It’s getting more interesting, right?
How To Get Loans On Zidisha
As indicated in the introduction, Zidisha loans operates 100 percent online.
Meaning, loan applications, processing and transfer are all done online without any physical contact.
To apply and get a loan on the platform, follow the steps listed below:
- Register for an account
- Put in a request for a loan
- Lenders see your application and contribute towards your project
- You get paid when you think you have enough money or when your duration is up.
- You repay the loan in weekly instalments till you pay all.
How To Register For An Account On Zidisha
The requirements for opening an account on Zidisha are; a phone number which is registered in your name, a National ID card and at least five minutes worth of internet data and time.
The steps explained below help you to get register for an account on Zidisha:
- Click on signup on the homepage of Zidisha.org
- Enter a mobile number registered in your name
- Enter your full name, in the order; first name and last name.
- Enter your new password.
- Enter the mobile number you entered earlier.
- Enter another phone number in the text box, if available.
- Input your email address.
- Select an accurate date of birth.
- Enter your Ghana card or Ecowas card Identity Number. Make sure you begin this with GHA and without dashes. Example: GHA123810BA
- Enter the name of your town where you currently reside.
- Input your street name or street address.
- Explain in details how to locate your home from a major street or road in your town. Make it very precise and accurate.
- You may choose to enter the referral code of the one who referred you or write about how you heard of Zidisha.
- Click on ‘Next’ at the top to proceed.
- Read the terms of use and about Zidisha and agree to them.
Voila! You are in now. You can start applying for your loan.
Application For Loan
Before one can apply for a loan on Zidashi after registration, you need to first off identify yourself by uploading a proof of identity. Follow the steps below to identify yourself and apply for the loan.
- Take a clear and readable photo of the front view of your Ghana Card or Ecowas card and upload on the ID verification page.
- Add a clear photo of the back view of your ID card on the next page.
- If you wish to receive big loans at once, you can upload your statement of account for the past 30 days from your Mobile Money operator or bank account. If not, skip the next step.
- Write a short note about yourself, including your childhood, your struggles, how you overcame them, your business and what you intend to do to help society.
- Write about your sources of income.
- Answer questions regarding your weekly earning pre-expenses and post-expenses.
- Enter the amount of loan you want and how much you can pay weekly. Make sure they are in line with your earnings.
- Pay your one-time membership fee of 40 Cedis.
- Review your loan amount and repayment plan.
- Explain how intend to use the loan.
- Review your application and publish it.
Who Qualifies For A Loan?
To be able to qualify for a loan from Zidisha, you must satisfy certain conditions which act as security measures put up by the organization against unscrupulous people.
- You must be at least 18 years old by the time of applying.
- You must be a citizen of Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Zambia or Kenya.
- You must have a good reputation and must be supported by a family member or community leader.
- You must not have any currently overdue loans with any other institutions.
- You must have a business or employment that pays you enough to be able to refund your loan.
- You must have access to the internet or have the Zidisha app installed on your phone.
Zidisha is the future of loans especially because it does not offer any interest rate of any sort, therefore making it easy for borrowers to repay their loans within the stated time with ease.
This platform is more of a philanthropic movement rather than a loan or finance company, as indicated on their website.
As such, it is important that as you apply for loans on this platform, you do so with a clean heart and the intention of also supporting other people on the platform when you can.
While this organization is not a financial institution, please be informed that failure to pay your loan and deliberate attempts to avoid contact with the organization may lead to legal actions against you.
I hope this article was helpful to you in your quest to get loans online for your business or project, right here in Ghana.
Kindly share your views, comments and reservations with us in the comment box below.
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