How to Change Your Birthday on SnapChat

SnapChat is one of the most popular social media apps on the market and users can set their birth date through their profile settings on the platform, but some users may prefer to change their birthday after initially setting it, and this article will show you how to do so quickly and easily.

Does snapchat allow users to change their birthday?

No matter how old you are, you will only be able to change your birthday a limited number of times, so make sure it looks right to you before you confirm it.

If you are under 18 years old, you will not be able to change your birth year at all, and if you are over 18 years old, you will not be able to change your birth year to make yourself younger than 18.

Why would you want to change your birthday on Snapchat?

Wanting to change your birthday may be as a result of error you committed in your birthday whiles creating your account or you may want to later reduce your age or increase it for your personal reasons.

How to change your birthday on Snapchat

  1. First of all, you will need to launch the Snapchat app on your phone.
  2. After, tap on the profile icon found at the upper left corner on your phone screen.
  3. After your profile opens, locate the settings logo at the upper right side of your account and tap on it.
  4. When you tap on it, you will then be taken to a page where you will find various options to choose from.
  5. Tap on My Account and then, choose Birthday.
  6. Your birthday tab will open and you will see your old birthday date inserted.
  7. Now, tap and edit them into your prefered satisfaction and press Okay to confirm the changes .
  8. Congrats, you are done changing your snapchat birthday details.

NB: You can enable birthday party after you are done changing your birthday. In doing so, you will get some exciting surprises such as your zodiac sign in your profile when your birthday is due. This will also help friends find and celebrate your birthday, but will not reveal your age to other snapchatters.

Also, you have a maximum number of times you can charge your birthday on snapchat and after that number reaches, you can’t change your snapchat birthday again for the rest of your life.

If I change my birthday on Snapchat, how long will it take for the changes to appear

When you are done changing your birthday using the steps above, wait for 24 hours for the Snapchat administrators to reflect the changes you have made to your birthday on your account.


Changing your snapchat birthday has several reasons and that will be best known to you the user but its worth and you must make sure it is not a regular habit. Following the steps above will help you change your snapchat birthday with ease.

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