How To Stake Lotto With Your Phone Using NLA Shortcode & MoMo

The history of the lotto in Ghana started way back in 1960 when the Lotto and Betting Act 94 was passed into law.
The main aim of passing this law was to generate revenue for the development of the country.
The National Lottery Authority (NLA) works 6 days of the week and each day has its name for this game in Ghana:
- Lotto on Mondays are called Monday Special
- Lotto on Tuesdays are called Lucky Tuesday
- Lotto on Wednesdays are called Mid-Week
- Thursdays are called Fortune Thursday
- Lotto on Fridays are called Friday Bonanza
- Lotto on Saturdays are called National lotto
The numbers you can stake on start from 1 to 90 and at the end of the day 5 numbers will be picked, if the numbers are announced and your number happens to be among the numbers mentioned, then the next day you will go and collect your money.
At first, before you can stake the lotto, you will have to walk to the nearest lotto agent to stake.
Because of this, some people couldn’t go to the lotto agent and stake based on their religion or role they play or maybe they might be having a busy day.
Now NLA has joined the modern world of digitization, now you can stake banker to banker using your mobile money account.
Maybe you might want to stake lotto but sometimes find it difficult to visit the nearest lotto agent to stake, maybe you are shy like me, then this time around you can also stake your favourite numbers at the comfort of your home without visiting any lotto agent.
Before we get started the shortcode to use in staking the national lottery using your phone is *959#. Also, you can stake only 5 numbers.
You are going to pay using your mobile money so I believe you already registered for a mobile money account.
What is the NLA Shortcode?
*959# — The National Lottery Authority (NLA) has unveiled *959# as the only operational and functional official short code of the NLA. All is *959# players of NLA products/services, the general public and the media that are to use that code to stake Lotto in Ghana.
Also, the only licensed online lotto marketing company responsible for the operation of the *959# shortcode on behalf of the NLA is KGL Technology Limited. This means that any other shortcode is illegal and should not be used to stake lotto with the NLA.
How To Stake Lotto With Your Phone Using Mobile Money
- On your phone dial the NLA Shortcode *959#
- You will then have to choose 1: the current game, if its Monday you will see Monday special if its Saturday you will see National.
- Now select how you want to stake your numbers, they have Direct, 2-Sure, Direct-3, Direct-4, Direct-5, Perm-2 and Perm-3
- Enter the numbers you want to stake and separate each number with a space.
- Confirm by entering 1
- Within seconds you will receive a notification to approve your transaction, some people will not receive a mobile money prompt.
How Do You Receive The Money when you win Lotto in Ghana
I know you are not the only one asking about this question, the first time I staked using my phone I asked the same question.
When you stake and you win, you will be paid directly into your mobile money account, the account that you used to pay for the staking, that’s the same number they will pay you your money when you win.
NLA Games and Their Meanings in Ghana
NLA’s 5/90 and VAG are NLA games that allow players to select at least one out of ninety balls numbered 1-90.
A draw is held at the beginning (VAG) and the end of each day (NLA 5 90) except on Sundays to randomly select 5 out of the 90 balls. If the numbers on the 5 selected balls match any of the numbers selected by the player at the time of play, he is a winner.
The daily draw games are VAG each morning, Monday Special, Lucky Tuesday, Midweek, Fortune Thursday, Friday Bonanza and National Weekly on Saturdays.
The variations of games to play each day are below
NLA Direct 1 Meaning
The first number drawn is called the 1st Winning Number. (E.g. If a Player selects number 45, he wins if 45 is the first number drawn)
NLA Direct 2 Meaning
Any two numbers out of the 5 winning numbers to be drawn. (e.g. If a player selects 37 and 17, he’s a winner if 37 and 17 are among the 5 numbers drawn)
NLA Direct 3 Meaning
Any three numbers out of the 5 winning numbers to be drawn. (e.g. If a player selects 21, 48 and 83, he’s a winner if 21, 48 and 83 are among the 5 numbers drawn)
NLA Direct 4 Meaning
Any 4 numbers out of the 5 winning numbers to be drawn. (e.g. If a player selects 21, 48, 83 and 45, he’s a winner if they are among the 5 numbers drawn.)
NLA Direct 5 Meaning
All 5 numbers chosen must be winning numbers. (e.g. If a player selects any 5 numbers from 1 to 90, and all 5 numbers are drawn, then he is a winner.
NLA Perm 2 Meaning
This is basically selecting more than 2 Numbers and combining them in sets of 2. If a player selects numbers 10-20-30, Perm2 will give combinations of (i) 10-20, (ii) 10-30 and (iii) 20-30. Here, the winning pattern is the same as direct-2.
NLA Perm 3 Meaning
This is basically selecting more than 3 Numbers and combining them in sets of 3. If a player selects numbers 10-20-30-40, Perm3 will give combinations of (i) 10-20-30, (ii) 10-20-40, (iii) 10-30-40 (iv) 20-30-40. Here, the winning pattern is the same as direct-3.
NLA Perm 4 Meaning
This is basically selecting more than 4 Numbers and combining them in sets of 4. If a player selects numbers 10-20-30-40-50, Perm4 will give combinations of (i) 10-20-30-40, (ii) 10-20-40-50, (iii) 10-30-40-50 (iv) 10-20-30-50 and (v) 20-30-40-50. Here, the winning pattern is the same as direct-4.
NLA Perm 5 Meaning
This is basically selecting more than 5 Numbers and combining them in sets of 5. If a player selects numbers 10-20-30-40-50-60, Perm5 will give combinations of (i) 10-20-30-40-50, (ii) 10-30-40-50-60, (iii) 10-20-40- 50-60 (iv) 10-20-30-40-60 (v) 10- 20-30-50-60 and (vi) 20-30-40-50-60. Here, the winning pattern is the same as direct-5.
NLA Banker 1 against all Meaning
This is selecting one number and pairing it with the rest of 89 numbers. (e.g. if a player selects 45 against all, it Means 45 his banker.) This banker must be one of the 5 winning numbers.
Players of the NLA 5 90 OFFICIAL USSD gamed must ensure that a particular game is selected and played before the draw of that particular game.
Now you can stake lotto at the comfort of your home without the need to visit any lotto agent, in this article we went through how the lottery system in Ghana started and how to stake lotto and pay with your mobile money using your phone.