Must-Have Apps For Entrepreneurs in 2021

Being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of struggles; some of these ranges from preparing for meetings, schedules, making sales, and a whole lot of other stressful stuff. But the interesting thing is that, after you work hard you will enjoy the fruit of your labour.

In the olden days, if you had a reminder you needed to write it somewhere you will remember. Sometimes, you will forget and miss something important.

All these things are a thing of the past as technology is taking over the world. With the introduction of technology, being an entrepreneur in the 21st Century is very interesting and a little more fun compared to the 20th century and the past centuries.

This article is going to recommend to you some must have-have apps for entrepreneurs in 2021. All the apps listed below are the best on the market; in terms of everything.

Must-Have Apps For Entrepreneurs in 2021

The top must-have apps for entrepreneurs in 2021 are:

  • Asana
  • Wunderlist
  • LastPass
  • Medium
  • Accompany
  • Pocket

Let’s now have a brief look at each of the apps listed above.


If you are an entrepreneur who is or wants to be productive this app is the best app for you. But since every entrepreneur is or wants to be productive, I think this is one of the best apps you need to download on your device. Asana makes task collaboration and management very easy and fast. The interface is very user-friendly and one of the best compared to some of the other apps.


One of the The main problems entrepreneurs face every day are stress and when you are stressed you are like to forget things. This is why I am recommending Wunderlist for you as one of the must-have apps for entrepreneurs in 2020. Wunderlist syncs all your to-do lists, errands, and many other things you are likely to forget in one place. Some reminders can be set making you stay up-to-date on every meeting or activity.


LastPass was designed for entrepreneurs like myself who easily forget their passwords. This application will store all your passwords in a safe place where you can always access it on any device. If you think you are likely to forget the password to your company’s email make sure to check this app out.


If you are an entrepreneur who is always willing to learn something new then I recommend Medium to you. This app provides intuitive articles that are geared towards making enlightening you on what is up-to-date in the world of business and entrepreneurship. This app is the best place to go and learn from the experts in the business field you are operating.


Pocket is simply an app meant to store information in your pocket. This is how it works; if you come across an article or news story you like but cannot read at the moment, you can save it in Pocket. Whenever you are ready to read you can go into the app and read your article.


The last app on our list is Accompany. This app is my favourite among all the apps listed below. Accompany emails you briefing before your meeting including a summary of each person attending the meeting. It does so by going through your email, calendar, and social media to gather the information. This app is like having the virtual assistant you’ve always wished for.


In conclusion to the apps listed above, you can also make good use of the available social media platforms also.

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